
Managing your mindset to avoid burnout

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

hey there


TOp categories

Entrepreneurship shouldn’t feel like a rollercoaster of highs and lows, but unfortunately for most it is. Because the highs are really high, the lows feel really low you can quickly slip into burnout. Leading to you feeling absolutely defeated by all the go go go. Here’s where I come in.

Because the version of you that owns a booming business is the same version that has a massive case of imposter syndrome. The difference is your mindset.


Avoiding burnout through Journaling

You’re 100% right. Journaling isn’t going to magically bring you results. Especially if the results you’re looking for are in the form of real dollar bills. But what it will do, is this…

– Make sure you’re actually listening to your intuition.
– Make you aware of thoughts that are spiraling. (or about to spiral 😬)
– Focus your thoughts into ones that serve you.
– Get rid of limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

And so much more — gratitude, identity work, shaping your dreams and goals….

So if you want to skip journaling, I get it. But your dreams are literally waiting for you to pick up the pen and write. What I’ve found with a lot of my clients is they may know WHAT they could do, but don’t always know HOW. Orrrrr they don’t want to 😬

Sometimes you need a little push, some accountability, some tough love **delivered with real love** That’s where I come in 😉

How I coach my clients

You can avoid the dips completely…at least emotionally… But not without a little work.Here’s what I coach my clients through when they’re feeling like they’re on an entrepreneurial roller coaster (nightmare).

I will tell you. Managing your energy is EVERYTHING.

Some questions to ask yourself

1.Do I believe in what I’m offering?
2.Why did I start in the first place?
3.How would it feel to quit?

Having a coach to present questions like this to you is a game changer. When you’re in a dip and feeling the funk, sometimes we forget to check in with ourselves.

My specialty is the pep talk. Don’t forget the power of having someone hype you back up – it’s usually the hardest thing to do for ourselves. Which is why even coaches have coaches.

Let’s Connect

Join the Mindset Membership waitlist!

Get the journaling freebie – Start your day on a positive note and get unstuck

Looking for more? Connect with me on Instagram @‌stacymusgrave or check out my website stacymusgave.com.