
Turning Your Skills and Knowledge into Income with Jenni Maroney

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Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

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As the host of the “Intentional” podcast, I’ve had the privilege of interviewing many inspiring individuals. However, today’s guest, Jenni Moroney, holds a special place in my heart. Jenni not only changed my life but also revolutionized the way I run my business. If you’ve ever wondered about turning your expertise into an online course or coaching program, this episode is a must-listen.

The Power of Sharing Your Knowledge

Jenni Moroney is an online coach for female entrepreneurs, teaching them how to transform their skills, knowledge, and experience into impactful online courses and high-ticket coaching programs. Her approach to knowledge sharing is refreshing and empowering.

During our conversation, Jenni emphasized a crucial point: the knowledge in our heads is valuable, and it’s our responsibility to share it with the world. She believes that if you have something that can bring more happiness, joy, freedom, time, energy, or success to others, you have a sellable product.

Overcoming Perfectionism and Fear

One of the biggest obstacles I faced when starting my online journey was perfectionism. I was caught up in making everything look perfect, just like the polished courses I’d seen from big names in the industry. Jenni helped me realize that done is better than perfect, and that my knowledge and expertise were far more valuable than a glossy production.

Jenni shared a powerful insight: “If you believe your business won’t work, it won’t work.” This mindset shift was crucial for me. I learned to trust in the value of my knowledge and experience, even when I doubted myself.

The Impact of Investing in Yourself

A significant part of our discussion revolved around the importance of investing in yourself and your business. Jenni pointed out how men often invest differently in their businesses, and challenged us to consider what our businesses could become if we invested in them with the same confidence.

I shared my own experience of hesitating to invest in my business, feeling guilty about spending money on myself. Jenni’s perspective helped me see that investing in knowledge and support is crucial for growth and success.

From Idea to Income: The Knowledge Business

Jenni’s clients, including myself, have seen remarkable success by turning their knowledge into online courses and coaching programs. She shared that her clients often make between $10,000 to $50,000 on their very first launch, sometimes within just 8-9 weeks of joining her program.

This success isn’t limited to any particular niche. Jenni works with women from various industries – fertility experts, yoga teachers, SEO specialists, photographers, and more. The common thread is that they all have valuable knowledge to share.

Taking the First Step

If you’re considering turning your knowledge into an online course or coaching program, Jenni’s advice is simple: start small if you need to, but start. You can begin with a free offer or a $10 product. The key is to put yourself out there and let people know what you have to offer.

As Jenni reminded me, “If you’re having a wedding and you’d like me to be there, you have to send me an invitation. Otherwise, I don’t even know you’re having a wedding or getting married.” The same principle applies to our courses and coaching programs – we need to tell people about them.

Connect with Jenny

If you’re inspired to explore how you can turn your knowledge into an online business, you can find Jenny on Instagram at @jennymoroney. She’s an open book and always ready to chat (often via voice DMs!). You can also find information about her courses, free resources, mastermind, and retreats on her website, jennimoroney.com.

Remember, your knowledge is valuable, and there’s someone out there who needs to learn from you. Don’t let fear or perfectionism hold you back. As Jenny says, “If I can do this, you can do this.” So why not explore the possibilities? Your knowledge could be the key to changing someone’s life – just like Jenny changed mine.


  • Turning skills and knowledge into online courses can be a lucrative business opportunity for female entrepreneurs.
  • Taking action and overcoming perfectionism are key to achieving success in the online space.
  • Accountability and support from a coach or mentor can greatly accelerate growth and results.
  • Done is better than perfect – consistency and showing up are more important than having everything perfect.
  • Believing in oneself and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals can lead to significant personal and professional growth. Perfectionism and fear of failure can prevent people from turning their expertise into a knowledge business.
  • The fear of being seen and the opinions of others can hold people back from sharing their knowledge.
  • Believing in oneself and taking action are key to overcoming self-doubt and achieving success in the knowledge business industry.
  • Investing in coaching can help fast-track success and normalize big numbers for female entrepreneurs.
  • There is room for everyone in the knowledge business industry, and small steps can lead to significant impact and financial success.

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Looking for more? Connect with me on Instagram @‌stacymusgrave or check out my website stacymusgave.com.