
Getting Coached: Stop the Overthinking and Take Action with Heather Rogers

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

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As a mindset coach, I’ve worked with countless entrepreneurs struggling with overthinking. Recently, I had the pleasure of coaching Heather, a yoga instructor and business owner, who was grappling with this very issue. Our conversation highlighted the transformative power of addressing overthinking head-on.

The Initial Challenge: Merging Passions and Overcoming Overthinking

When Heather first approached me, she was in the midst of a significant transition. After 28 years in a completely different field, she was now trying to merge two holistic platforms into one cohesive brand. It was clear from the start that overthinking was her biggest hurdle.

“I’m trying to do everything. I want to do all the things, and I want to be good at doing all the things, right? And I want them all yesterday,” Heather confessed early in our conversation. This statement encapsulated the classic overthinking trap that many entrepreneurs fall into.

Identifying the Root of Overthinking

As we delved deeper, it became apparent that Heather’s overthinking stemmed from a desire for perfection and a fear of not meeting her own high standards. She was particularly stuck on creating an online course, overthinking every detail to the point of paralysis.

“I get hung up on like, I just give you this, is this going to work?” Heather explained, revealing her concern about whether her course content would be effective for everyone. This perfectionism was preventing her from moving forward with her business plans.

Shifting Perspective: From Overthinking to Action

One of the key strategies I often use with clients is to help them shift their perspective. In Heather’s case, I suggested a simple yet powerful solution: record herself teaching the course live to a small group.

The moment I proposed this idea, I could see a change in Heather’s demeanor. “That’s an awesome idea,” she exclaimed. “It sounds great. Why didn’t I think of that?”

This reaction is common when we’re too close to a problem. As Heather herself noted, “When you’re so close to something, right, I just think that it’s hard to see the perimeter, right? Hard to see outside. It’s almost like going through something with blinders on because you’re just so pinpoint focused on something.”

Embracing Authenticity and Letting Go of Perfection

One of the most powerful moments in our conversation came when Heather realized that by recording live sessions, she could create authentic, valuable content without getting stuck in the trap of perfection. This approach aligned perfectly with her strengths as a teacher and coach.

I reminded Heather, “You’re just going to embody you doing what you do best, which is coaching.” This simple shift in perspective seemed to lift a weight off her shoulders.

The Power of Accountability in Overcoming Overthinking

As we continued our discussion, we touched on the importance of accountability in combating overthinking. Heather shared how having regular check-ins with her website designer helped her stay on track: “I meet with her Thursday. I’ve got to get my A, B, and C’s done, you know? And so I’m very like, hee hee.”

This structure is crucial for many of my clients. It provides the external motivation needed to move past overthinking and into action.

Recognizing the Value of Coaching

One of the most gratifying moments for me as a coach was when Heather recognized the value of coaching in her own life and business. “I believe everybody needs a coach,” she reflected. This realization not only validated her own need for support but also reinforced the value she brings to her own clients through her yoga and chakra work.

Balancing Multiple Aspects of Business

A common challenge for entrepreneurs, and a frequent cause of overthinking, is trying to balance multiple aspects of business. Heather was struggling with how to merge her two separate businesses into one cohesive brand while also creating courses and managing the technical aspects of her business.

Together, we worked on prioritizing her tasks. We decided to focus on her upcoming website launch on September 1st and then turn her attention to course creation afterward. This structured approach helped alleviate the pressure she was putting on herself and gave her a clear path forward.

The Role of Technology in Overthinking

During our conversation, we also touched on how technology can contribute to overthinking, especially for those who aren’t particularly tech-savvy. I encouraged Heather to reach out to people in her network who could help with the technical aspects, allowing her to focus on what she does best.

Setting Realistic Expectations

A crucial part of our discussion centered around setting realistic expectations. Heather’s tendency to overthink was partly fueled by her desire to do everything perfectly and immediately. I helped her see that it’s okay to take things one step at a time and that progress is more important than perfection.

The Ongoing Journey of Mindset Work

As we wrapped up our session, I reminded Heather that mindset work is an ongoing process. “Mindset work is such maintenance,” I explained. By continuing to work on her mindset and address her tendency to overthink, she can create a more sustainable and enjoyable business experience.

The Breakthrough Moment

The most rewarding part of our conversation was witnessing Heather’s breakthrough moment. As she reflected on our discussion, she said, “I think my biggest takeaway is actually having the conversation, talking it through and then you giving me the outside perspective of it helps me kind of open up, like take off the blinders, open things up and just kind of like funnel it out instead of just being like, I have to stay here and I have to do this.”

This insight perfectly encapsulates the power of coaching in overcoming overthinking. Sometimes, all we need is an outside perspective to help us see the possibilities we’ve been blind to.

Looking Ahead with Confidence

As our session concluded, I could see a renewed sense of confidence and clarity in Heather. The path forward no longer seemed overwhelmingly complex. Instead, she had a clear action plan: focus on her website launch, network to set up future course recordings, and embrace a more authentic and simplified approach to course creation.

Conclusion: From Overthinking to Action

Heather’s journey is a perfect example of how overthinking can hold us back, and how the right guidance and perspective can help us break free. As a mindset coach, it’s incredibly rewarding to see clients like Heather move from a place of overwhelm and indecision to clarity and action.

Remember, if you find yourself stuck in overthinking, sometimes the best solution is to seek outside perspective and take decisive action. Your success might be just one conversation away. And as Heather’s experience shows, embracing imperfection and taking action can lead to far greater results than endless overthinking ever could.

Connect with Heather

Instagram: @seelifeasamuse

Website: seelifeasamuse.com


  • Coaching and mindset work require ongoing maintenance and support.
  • Creating a course that is tailored to each individual’s needs can be challenging.
  • A hybrid approach, combining live sessions and recorded content, can provide an authentic and personalized learning experience.
  • Simplifying and not overcomplicating the course creation process is important for avoiding burnout.
  • Reaching out for help and support is essential in overcoming challenges. Find someone to help with tech tasks so you can focus on what you want to do
  • Networking and accountability are important in achieving goals
  • Coaching is not one-size-fits-all
  • Consider offering one-on-one coaching in addition to the course
  • Be open to new possibilities and different approaches


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Looking for more? Connect with me on Instagram @‌stacymusgrave or check out my website stacymusgave.com.