
Transforming Your Money Mindset with Elizabeth Walker

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

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As a coach, I’ve had the privilege of working with many clients on their money mindset. Recently, I had a powerful coaching session with Elizabeth, an addiction recovery coach, that highlighted some crucial aspects of developing a healthy relationship with money. I want to share these insights with you, as they can be transformative for anyone struggling with their money mindset.

The Power of Acknowledging Your Success

One of the first things we uncovered in our session was Elizabeth’s reluctance to give herself credit for her financial successes. She had a property that provided rental income, yet she dismissed this as “not really her money” because it came from an inheritance.

This is a common trap many of us fall into. We downplay our financial wins, focusing instead on our perceived shortcomings. But here’s the truth: if you’ve made smart decisions with your money – even if it initially came from an inheritance or other windfall – you deserve credit for that. Acknowledging your successes is a crucial step in developing a positive money mindset.

The Impact of Inherited Beliefs

Elizabeth realized during our session that many of her beliefs about money were inherited from her parents. Phrases like “money doesn’t grow on trees” and “making money is hard” had been ingrained in her from childhood.

It’s important to recognize that our money beliefs often come from our upbringing. But just as we inherited these beliefs, we have the power to let them go and adopt new, more empowering ones. The first step is becoming aware of these inherited beliefs and questioning whether they truly serve us.

The Value of Your Work

A significant breakthrough came when Elizabeth started to truly acknowledge the value of her work. As an addiction recovery coach, she helps people avoid potentially life-threatening situations and expensive treatment programs. Yet, she was hesitant to charge rates that reflected this immense value.

This is a reminder for all of us: when setting our prices, we need to focus on the transformation we provide, not just the time we spend. Your work has value beyond the hours you put in, and your pricing should reflect that.

The Energy of Money

One of the most powerful realizations was when Elizabeth recognized that money is just energy. When we approach money transactions with fear or desperation, that energy is palpable to our clients or customers. On the flip side, when we approach our work with confidence in its value, that positive energy also transfers.

Remember, how you feel about money will impact how others perceive your offerings. If you’re uncomfortable discussing your rates or asking for payment, it can make your clients uncomfortable too.

Taking Action

Perhaps the most important lesson from this coaching session was the power of taking action. Elizabeth realized that simply creating a budget – something she had been avoiding – could be a significant step in improving her money mindset.

Often, we get stuck in our thoughts and beliefs about money without taking concrete steps to change our situation. But action is the antidote to anxiety. Taking small, manageable steps – like creating a budget or acknowledging our successes – can lead to significant shifts in our money mindset.


Transforming your money mindset is a journey, and it often requires us to confront uncomfortable truths and deep-seated beliefs. But the rewards are immense. A healthy money mindset not only improves your financial situation but also allows you to serve your clients better and live with less stress and anxiety.

Remember, your relationship with money is unique to you. It’s shaped by your experiences, beliefs, and actions. By bringing awareness to this relationship and taking steps to improve it, you open yourself up to greater abundance and success in all areas of your life.

What step will you take today to improve your money mindset?

Connect with Elizabeth: 

Instagram: @theempowermentwarrior

Website: www.theempowermentwarrior.com

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