
The Life-Changing Power of Traveling Solo with Kimi Jevic Brooks

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

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As someone who’s always been fascinated by personal growth and intentional living, I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with my good friend Kimi Jevic-Brooks to discuss her recent experience traveling solo to Switzerland. What started as a spontaneous decision to see Taylor Swift in concert turned into a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

The Spontaneous Decision to Travel Solo

Kimi’s adventure began with a simple Instagram post asking if she should try to attend the Eras tour. The overwhelming response from her followers encouraged her to take the leap. Within two weeks, she had booked a whirlwind trip to Zurich, Switzerland – a journey that would take her from Monday morning to Wednesday night, with the concert as the centerpiece of her adventure.

What struck me most about Kimi’s decision to travel solo was her intuition that this trip needed to happen now. She felt a calling that couldn’t be ignored, even when presented with alternatives like waiting for a more convenient time or going with friends. This willingness to listen to her inner voice and act on it is something we can all learn from.

Finding Freedom in Solo Travel

Throughout our conversation, Kimi repeatedly used words like “empowering,” “liberating,” and “freeing” to describe her experience of traveling solo. She found a sense of peace and confidence in making decisions solely for herself, without having to consider anyone else’s preferences or comfort levels.

“I didn’t have to at one time in the day ask if anyone was okay with the plan,” Kimi shared. “If I wanted to go somewhere, I walked my little feet over there.” This freedom extended to every aspect of her trip, from choosing where to eat to how to spend her time during layovers.

Unleashing Inner Strength Through Solo Adventures

One of the most inspiring aspects of Kimi’s story was the sense of calm and confidence she found while traveling solo. Despite the potential stressors of navigating a foreign country alone, she felt a deep sense of security in her ability to handle whatever came her way.

“I felt this security of I will figure all of it out. I have no doubt in my mind that I will problem solve my way through whatever it was,” Kimi explained. This confidence extended to every aspect of her trip, from finding alternative luggage storage when her original plan fell through, to navigating the concert venue on her own.

Surprising Benefits of Solo Travel

Interestingly, Kimi found that traveling solo had unexpected physical benefits as well. She noted that her chronic nerve pain, a result of a car accident six years ago, didn’t bother her at all during the three-day trip. This physical relief, combined with the mental and emotional freedom she experienced, highlights the holistic benefits that can come from stepping out of our daily routines and responsibilities.

Integrating the Solo Travel Mindset into Daily Life

While Kimi’s trip was a unique and exciting experience, our conversation naturally turned to how we can incorporate the benefits of traveling solo into our everyday lives. Kimi expressed a desire to make solo trips a regular part of her life, perhaps quarterly or twice a year.

However, we also discussed the importance of finding smaller ways to capture that same sense of freedom and self-discovery in our daily routines. This could be as simple as taking a half-day to explore a local park or sit in a coffee shop, intentionally disconnecting from our usual responsibilities and focusing solely on our own desires and experiences.

The Takeaway: Embracing Your Personal Solo Journey

Kimi’s experience traveling solo to Switzerland serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of making time for ourselves and honoring our own desires and intuitions. Whether it’s a grand international adventure or a quiet afternoon in our own city. The key is to create space where we can fully be ourselves, free from external expectations or responsibilities.

As Kimi so beautifully put it, “I showed up as me in the fullest extent of that for those three days.” This, perhaps, is the true gift of traveling solo. The opportunity to reconnect with ourselves, to rediscover what brings us joy, and to build confidence in our ability to navigate the world on our own terms.

Your Turn: Incorporating Solo Adventures into Your Life

So, I challenge you: How can you incorporate the spirit of traveling solo into your life? It doesn’t have to involve crossing oceans or seeing world-famous performers. It could be as simple as taking an afternoon to explore a new neighborhood in your city, or spending a day at a local museum without any agenda but your own curiosity. The key is to create space for yourself. To listen to your own desires and to rediscover the joy of moving through the world on your own terms.

Remember, as Kimi’s experience shows, the benefits of traveling solo – whether literally or metaphorically – can be profound and far-reaching. So go ahead, take that solo journey. You might be surprised at what you discover about yourself along the way.

Connect with Kimi: 

Instagram: @kimijevicbrooks

Website: www.kimijevic.com


  • Taking a solo trip can be a liberating and empowering experience.
  • Slowing down and enjoying time alone allows for self-discovery and personal growth.
  • Setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care is essential for overall well-being.
  • Being present in the moment and making decisions based on personal desires can lead to a more fulfilling experience. Solo travel can provide a sense of calmness and security. Knowing that you can figure out any challenges that come your way.
  • Having confidence and problem-solving skills are essential when traveling alone.
  • Traveling alone allows for freedom and liberation from expectations and responsibilities.
  • Taking solo trips, even if they are short or local, is a way to prioritize self-care and make time for oneself.


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