There’s so much talk out there about how you need to niche down and pick one approach. If you talk to everybody, you’re talking to nobody. However, that’s not the approach I take. The one I take is more of a hybrid approach because I truly believe that life and business are so deeply intertwined.
For me, it’s not about strategy for your business. My work is about helping you step into the person you’re meant to be, the person you want to be, and the person you’re proud of. I want to help you create that dream life, whatever it may be.
A client-led coaching approach
When you sit in a conversation with me, I get it. Even if I haven’t experienced the exact same thing you’re experiencing, I get it, and this has been a skill I have had my entire life – the ability to have empathy and understanding for another person. Because of this, I take a completely client-led approach. Whatever is on your mind, big or small, we work through it together.
An incredible breakthrough with a coaching client
I want to share an example of a recent coaching call I had and the breakthrough this woman got. She came to me because she wanted to be a coach, but realized she was holding herself back because she didn’t know if she could really help someone.
She shared a bit about a tumultuous past relationship which was the deeper-rooted issue impacting her self-belief and has held her back from moving forward in different areas of her life. Through our work together, she has learned to ease communication barriers and embrace self-trust. This type of breakthrough shows that what seems like a surface-level issue often carries deeper meaning and opportunities for growth.
What coaching is all about
It’s not just about business strategy and it’s not just about your life. It’s about uncovering the patterns and beliefs that hold you back and shifting them. This is why I work with my clients on their language, mindset, actions, and beliefs. And when we work together, there’s always transformation, accountability, and love along the way.
Invitation to connect
If any of this resonates with you, I invite you to take a leap and reach out. Experience the possibility of growth and transformation firsthand. We can make this really simple, really exciting, and really fun, and at the end of the year, you can truly be a completely different person with all the best parts of you.
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