
Getting Coached: Is Your Resistance to Slowing Down Holding You Back? With Andrea Mathes

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

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As a coach, I’m constantly amazed by the power of conversation and the unexpected insights that can emerge when we open ourselves up to guidance. In this coaching episode with photographer Andrea Mathes, we explored a journey that began with time management concerns but ultimately led us to profound realizations about the importance of slowing down and overcoming the fear of rejection.

The Illusion of Busyness

When Andrea first approached me with her concerns, she believed her primary issue was time management. Like many entrepreneurs, she felt overwhelmed by the demands of running a business, managing social media, and planning retreats. However, as we delved deeper into our conversation, it became clear that the real challenge wasn’t about finding more hours in the day – it was about the quality of time spent and the mindset behind it.

The Power of Pause

One of the most significant revelations came when Andrea shared a story about her experience hiking the Appalachian Trail. She recounted:

“There was like two days where my phone wasn’t charged… So instead of listening to my audio book, I had to sit and listen to nature and I had to sit and think and think and think. And they were my favorite days on the trail.”

This anecdote beautifully illustrates the transformative power of slowing down. In our hyper-connected world, we often forget the value of silence and reflection. I challenged Andrea to incorporate small moments of stillness into her daily routine, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day.

Overcoming the Fear of Rejection

As we continued our conversation, it became apparent that Andrea’s resistance to slowing down was intertwined with a deeper fear – the fear of rejection. She candidly shared:

“I really, it’s the fear of rejection… What happens when people say no. I can understand that they may not be able to afford it or may not be this season or this time yet. I can understand that academically. But what I’m feeling is it’s a horrible product and they don’t want anything to do with it.”

This fear was holding Andrea back from fully embracing her potential and reaching the women she was meant to serve. To address this, I suggested a simple yet powerful journaling exercise:

  1. Start each day by writing down an affirmation like “I’m going to get some no’s today because I’m going to find the Sheryllans” (referencing a client who had a significant impact on Andrea).

  2. When faced with rejection, create a two-column list: one side for negative thoughts and the other for positive truths about her offerings.

The Importance of Self-Talk

Throughout our session, we touched on the critical role that self-talk plays in our personal and professional growth. I reminded Andrea of a powerful video she had once seen, where a woman recounted horrible things people said to her at the gym, only to reveal at the end that she was the one saying these things to herself.

This stark illustration of negative self-talk resonated deeply with both of us. It’s a potent reminder of how crucial it is to be kind to ourselves and challenge the negative narratives we often internalize.

Embracing Slow Growth for Lasting Impact

As we wrapped up our session, I emphasized to Andrea that slowing down isn’t about doing less – it’s about doing things with more intention and presence. By taking the time to journal, reflect, and connect authentically with potential clients, she would likely find herself more energized and effective in her business endeavors.

I encouraged her to see each “no” not as a rejection, but as a step closer to finding the right clients who truly need her services. As Andrea put it:

“Yeah, I really do. I mean, I’ve seen the benefit in the past. I’ve just gotten out of the habit and the routine.”

Final Thoughts

This coaching session with Andrea serves as a powerful reminder for all of us in the entrepreneurial world. Sometimes, what we perceive as a time management issue is actually an invitation to slow down, reflect, and reconnect with our purpose.

By embracing moments of stillness, challenging our fears of rejection, and being kinder to ourselves, we open up new possibilities for growth and impact. Remember, it’s not about how fast you’re moving, but about moving in the right direction with intention and purpose.Are you resisting the call to slow down in your own life or business? I encourage you to take a moment today to pause, reflect, and consider how a little stillness might propel you forward in unexpected ways.


Instagram: @with.light.and.lens

Website: withlightandlens.com

Check out the Lift Your Soul Retreats


  • Finding balance between different aspects of a business can be challenging, especially when there are time constraints and multiple responsibilities.
  • Reaching out to potential participants. Including past clients and those who showed interest but couldn’t attend previous events, can help increase sign-ups for retreats or workshops.
  • Giving oneself permission to relax and feel uncomfortable is important for personal growth and self-care.
  • Sharing personal stories and experiences can create a deeper connection with others. And help build trust and interest in a business or event. Take time to slow down and sit in silence to recharge and reflect.
  • Develop a healthy relationship with social media and be mindful of its negative effects.
  • Shift your mindset from feeling defeated and rejected to seeing opportunities for growth and connection.
  • Use journaling as a tool to slow down. And challenge negative beliefs and thoughts.
  • Make true connections with others and prioritize building relationships.


Get the journaling freebie – Start your day on a positive note and get unstuck

Looking for more? Connect with me on Instagram @‌stacymusgrave or check out my website stacymusgave.com.