
Why Finding Your Voice is Crucial to Success with Jill Chaze

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

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For this episode we have Jill Chaze, a teacher turned successful full-time photographer. In our conversation, we dive into how she transitioned and the challenges she faced along the way. Jill emphasizes the importance of doing what you love and finding a job that doesn’t feel like work. While also noting the power of mindset and how it can impact success in business. Tune in to hear us talk about topics such as finding your voice, overcoming self-doubt, and the importance of authenticity in connecting with your audience.

Finding your voice

I met Jill at a business retreat in Denver, where we talked about our mutual struggle with public speaking and finding our voices. Despite Jill’s extensive experience, she felt intimidated by public speaking and compared herself unfavorably to confident speakers like Jasmine Star. But I wanted to highlight the importance of reframing negative self-talk. By shifting the internal dialogue from “I can’t” to “I’m learning,” individuals can overcome their fear of speaking, build confidence, and grow as leaders in their fields.

Overcoming self-doubt: Embracing Imperfections

I reminded Jill that even great speakers like Jasmine Star started from humble beginnings and improved over time through practice and positive self-talk. I emphasized the importance of being mindful of the internal dialogue we have with ourselves. Jill then shared a story about a time when she felt most at ease speaking: writing a heartfelt post about her father’s life. The words flowed effortlessly because they came from a place of passion and personal experience. Then I told her how this passion can be applied to other areas, like business. Jill agreed that when discussing topics she is passionate about with friends, her words come easily. However, she struggles when speaking in a more formal or public setting, like recording a course. The conversation underscored the contrast between Jill’s natural ease when speaking passionately and her nervousness in more professional contexts.

The Power of Mindset in Business

Jill discusses how she’s learning to relax and be more authentic in her work. And I couldn’t agree more, I prefer people who are genuine, and passionate rather than overly professional and impersonal approaches. I believe that this authenticity allows people to connect more deeply and can enhance business success. Jill reflects on the value of being real and relatable, mentioning her own efforts to show up naturally on social media. She acknowledges that her audience, mostly women, appreciates her authenticity. It’s so important to connect with real people rather than focusing on numbers or engagement metrics. I encourage showing up consistently, even on imperfect days, as it helps maintain a connection with the audience. Striving for perfection can lead to paralysis and that taking action is more important than waiting for perfection.

Authenticity and Connection

Jill Chaze discusses her struggle with perfectionism and how it hinders her progress in business. I emphasize that many people are held back by the desire to be perfect and that people are more inspired by real and relatable individuals. I want to encourage you to focus on genuine connections rather than an idealized image. Jill agrees and mentions her newfound awareness of how her mindset impacts her actions, especially her self-talk. Negative self-talk can lead to self-sabotage. Jill admits she often focuses on negative thoughts and compares herself to others, leading to self-doubt. I suggest using positive affirmations daily to shift your mindset and reinforce your capabilities. Jill reflects on her journey, remembering her determination to start her photography business despite skepticism from others. She acknowledges the importance of mindset in achieving her goals and expresses her aspiration to continue growing her business with confidence.

Overcoming Fear and Taking Risks

Jill Chaze expresses her fear of trying something new. Stepping out of established identities and decisions is challenging. I want to encourage exploring new possibilities without necessarily giving up one’s current path, suggesting that Jill’s success can inspire others to pursue their passions. Jill shares her goal of helping students and aspiring photographers by providing guidance and advice, aiming to fast-track their learning process. It’s a valuable approach and that people often make things harder by trying to figure everything out on their own. Jill reflects on her own experience and wishes she had invested in education early on instead of learning everything by herself. I concur, noting that it’s important to recognize the value of what they have to offer and that they will attract the right audience.

Connect with Jill

Instagram: @jillchazephotography

Website: Jillchaze.com


  • Finding your voice and sharing your passion with authenticity is key in connecting with your audience.
  • Overcoming self-doubt and negative self-talk is crucial for personal and professional growth.
  • Developing a strategy and focusing on specific areas of your business can lead to success.
  • Mindset plays a significant role in achieving your goals and overcoming challenges.
  • Being true to yourself and embracing imperfections can create a stronger connection with your audience. Follow your passion and do what you love
  • Don’t be afraid to make a career transition
  • Invest in education and coaching to fast-track your success
  • Shift your mindset and believe in yourself
  • Find a supportive community to help you on your journey


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