
Embracing Your Highest Self with Maggie Rothberg

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

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In this conversation, I have Maggie Rothberg, a certified life coach who helps women in their transformation. Of stepping into their highest potential and manifest their dream lives. Maggie and I met on a yoga retreat where I was attending as a photographer, and we just clicked. The conversation in this episode was such a great one to have been a part of. We talk about how much our energy and perspective impacts our lives.

Transistoning From Masculine to Feminine In Business

Maggie talks about the stage she was in when her and I met. Being in a very go go go state of business, feeling masculine. She wanted to get to know herself better while also stepping into her femininity during that retreat.

At one point in her business Maggie was doing a lot of things to see results with the numbers, but she says “this doesn’t feel in alignment because I love helping people and I’m such a genuine person. And this just felt so out of alignment just because I was being told that this is what you do to like to find clients, you know? And so that was one aspect. Then with the content, I felt so out of touch for my creativity.” She felt like she had no space to have a clear creative thought.

I remmber thinking that there was a disconnect between who I her as a person in real life and how talking about kind of like this cold outreach of DMS, it might grow your numbers. 

The Power of Doing the Inner Work

Maggie mentions how easy it is to get in our own heads and the advice she shares with others is, “Like I am saying this to myself on some level too. There’s been times where I’m telling people, you know, you’re struggling to do these healthy habits. just do this, here’s how we can figure out a plan to make it happen. But then I start feeling guilty because I’m like, wait a minute, but I haven’t been eating right recently. I haven’t been working out as consistently as I want to. And it just goes to show that we have so much power with our minds and like knowing exactly what we could be doing and how we can get to our highest potential. But then also there’s limiting beliefs, there’s resistance, there’s things that are holding us back.”

We talked about how important it is to have someone on your side to hold you accountable. Because there are limiting beliefs that hold us back, but having someone you can have that guides you throough that can keep you growing.

Maggie shares that, “for a long time, I expected that when I hire a coach, they’re just gonna save me. They’re gonna fix me. And that is a rabbit hole. It took me a while to get out of that one. And I would keep paying people to help me.” But she knew it’s not about the coach, it’s that they are there to show you how to get our of your own way.

Investing in your Transformation

It’s often thought that you might be feeling unworthy of the transformation that you can experience. And Maggie shares that, “People love their comfort zones. And when they see something that looks all shiny and amazing and it can improve their life, they’re like, well, that sounds really good, but who am I? Am I actually gonna get results? Am I actually deserving of this? People hold a lot of limiting beliefs that it’s called limiting for a reason. It limits them from stepping into their potential and they’re afraid to try it. “

A lot of people will talk themselves out of something before they even get the chance to try it! “But what people don’t get is that when you invest in yourself, your life changes for the better and you can attract so many more amazing things into your life. Opportunities, circumstances, situations, people, careers, and then life just continues to get better and within life getting better, you make that money back. It’s all an energy. It all comes back around. “

Connect With Maggie

Maggie is dedicated to helping women become their highest, most confident selvs, and manifest their dream lives. See the transformation of working with her by connecting.

Instagram: @maggie.mae.coaching

Maggie’s podcast: Becoming HER


  • Attending a retreat can provide an opportunity to deepen the relationship with oneself and step into one’s femininity.
  • Transitioning from a masculine, go-getter mindset to a more intuitive and authentic approach can lead to greater success and fulfillment in business.
  • Manifesting involves combining positive thoughts with positive feelings and being in alignment with one’s desires.
  • Nurturing and connecting with one’s community is essential for building a loyal and supportive following.
  • As a coach, it’s important to remember that even though you help others with confidence, you may still struggle with it yourself. Doing the inner work is essential for personal growth and transformation.
  • Limiting beliefs and resistance can hold us back from reaching our highest potential.
  • Coaching provides accountability and guidance in the journey of self-discovery.
  • Investing in oneself and overcoming resistance to change can lead to significant transformations.
  • Shifting the focus from external validation to self-love can attract positive changes in life.


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