
Cultivating Gratitude in Your Daily Life

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

hey there


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Let’s dive into the power of gratitude and how it can positively impact our lives. It’s not the woo-woo approach. But more so ways you can positively impact your life by using gratitude as a tool for manifesting what you want in life. I want to encourage you to tap into this episode and come visualize your future as I walk you through what I want mine to look like.

The Power of Gratitude

Trying to run a business from home with my kids around me can feel frustrating at times, and when presented with a challenging time it can become difficult to be grateful. But then when I really think about it and I stop myself, I think, wait a second, I am able to be home with my kids every day. I don’t have to have them go somewhere else.

So in these moments where it’s like, I’m just so frustrated that they won’t go outside or stay quiet. They’re kids. I have to think I’m so grateful that they’re here, that they’re healthy, that I have a family and it really does put everything into perspective for me. So that’s what I want to talk about today. Gratitude definitely keeps me grounded and really focused on what really matters because all of this other stuff 

Yes, I’m trying to build a business. Yes, I want to be able to help people. But at the end of the day, what really matters the most to me is my family. And that’s why I do it.

Looking For the Positive

I also know that there’s, there’s kind of some negativity around gratitude. And I know at least in my world, gratitude is all over the place. It becomes kind of like, yeah, just be grateful. focus on your gratitude. if you’re manifesting something, really focus on the gratitude.

I’m sure that there’s like a little bit of an eye roll, maybe a little bit of like,” yeah, gratitude can fix everything”. And I want to, first of all, clear some things up. I’m not talking about your gratitude needing to look like toxic positivity.

Let’s just say you are so low in such a low moment and you think, okay, can I walk? Great. That’s something to be grateful for. Some people can’t. Do I have anyone that loves me? Awesome. Some people don’t. Do I have a house? Do I have food? 

We know that people don’t have some of these very basic things to survive. So I don’t know the situation that you could be going through, but I do know that if you focus on gratitude. If you find something to be grateful for, your brain will look for more of the positive. I do know that.

Getting Stuck in the Funk

When I am in a little funk, sometimes, even though it doesn’t even make rational sense, I might want to stay there. We can get a little addicted to our feelings, whether it’s a stress cycle, whether it’s just like this negativity cycle. Think about the people that you spend time with. If someone is very, if someone is very negative, that is going to rub off on you.

I can be someone who focuses on gratitude and brings you back to that, then I want that. I want that to be the thing that people think, it’s so nice being around Stacy because she always takes a positive outlook or she’s always focusing on the good things.

Vision Boards

It goes a little woo at this point, but not too far because I think we’re all familiar with vision boards. I think it’s really cool that people do different types of vision boards. So maybe for you, it’s truly finding photos that are truly the inspiration. Tom and I have talked about this a lot and he is someone who doesn’t do vision boards, but when he was like 18, he tattooed a car on his arm and he had that car. It’s funny because he’s someone who would roll his eyes at vision boards for sure. But he’s automatically doing it.

When we were looking at houses, he was the one on Zillow all the time. He’s still looking at Zillow. I’m like, oh, we’re good. We’re settled. I’ll think of it later down the road and he’s like, no, I’m thinking of it now. So that’s his type of vision board. So maybe you can think about whatever you’re doing in your life. That’s kind of really focusing on the next thing that you want.

Take it a step further with gratitude, because this is really the part that a lot of people miss. If you can have your vision, tap into all five senses, and express gratitude for before it’s even here, which I know even as I’m saying it, it sounds wild. You’re like, how can I be grateful for something that I don’t have?


  • Gratitude can help us stay grounded and focused on what truly matters in our lives.
  • Even in challenging times, finding gratitude can shift our perspective and bring us a sense of peace and contentment.
  • Practicing gratitude can be a powerful tool for manifestation and creating a vision for the future.
  • Tapping into gratitude and expressing gratitude for what we desire can attract more positive experiences into our lives.
  • Gratitude is not about toxic positivity or denying negative emotions, but rather finding the silver lining and focusing on the positive aspects of our lives.


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