
Showing Up Authentically: The Key to Effective Coaching with Theresa Cooper

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

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As a coach, I’m always amazed at the power of an authentically crafted conversation. Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Teresa Cooper, a joyful life coach for women in midlife, on my podcast. Our discussion revealed some powerful insights about vulnerability, purpose, and the journey to self-love.

The Power of Sharing Your Story

Teresa initially came to me with concerns about her money mindset. However, as we delved deeper, it became clear that her real struggle was in sharing her story authentically. Many of us face this challenge – we know we have something valuable to offer, but fear holds us back from putting ourselves out there.

Teresa’s journey is inspiring. She helps women who feel lost and lonely in midlife find connection and purpose. What struck me most was how authentically she shared her own experiences once we got talking. Her vulnerability was palpable and powerful.

Finding Your ‘Why’

One of the most impactful moments in our conversation was when Teresa shared her ‘why’. She spoke about her desire to help women feel less lonely and cultivate self-love. This wasn’t just a business goal – it was deeply personal, stemming from her own experiences of feeling disconnected and purposeless.

Teresa’s story is a reminder of the importance of connecting with our core motivations. When we understand and can articulate our ‘why’, it becomes easier to share our message authentically.

Overcoming the Fear of Being Seen

A key insight from our conversation was Teresa’s realization that her desire to connect with others was at odds with her fear of being seen. This is a common struggle for many entrepreneurs and coaches. We want to help others, but we’re afraid of putting ourselves out there.

I encouraged Teresa to see her social media posts and emails not as self-promotion, but as acts of connection. By sharing her story authentically, she’s offering others the chance to feel seen and understood.

The Power of Vulnerable Storytelling

One of the most powerful moments in our conversation was when Teresa shared a pivotal moment in her journey. Her husband had asked her, “What do you wake up for in the morning?” This question struck her deeply, as she realized she didn’t have an answer beyond taking her dog to the park.

This kind of vulnerable, specific storytelling is incredibly powerful. It allows others to connect with our experiences on a deep level. I encouraged Teresa to share these kinds of details in her content, as they provide real connection points for her audience.

Embracing Your Journey

What I love about Teresa’s story is how she’s embraced her journey. She’s not speaking from a place of having it all figured out, but from a place of growth and ongoing learning. This authentic approach is so much more relatable and inspiring than perfection.

As coaches and entrepreneurs, we often feel pressure to present a polished image. But what I’ve found, both in my own work and in conversations like this one with Teresa, is that our real power lies in our authenticity. When we share our struggles and our growth authentically, we create space for others to do the same.

If you’re feeling stuck or struggling to share your story, remember: your experiences, even (especially!) the difficult ones, are valuable. By sharing them authentically, you open the door for real connection and transformation – both for yourself and for those you serve.

Connect with Theresa: 

Instagram: @theresacooperretreats

Website: www.theresacooper.com

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