
Getting Coached: Balancing Transitions in Life and Business with Michaela Dunn

I'm Stacy!

Few things to know. I am a shopping obsessed, enneagram 6, chronic over thinker, and sunrise  lover that is so excited to welcome you into my world.

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As a mindset coach, I often talk about how we can help people. But recently, I had the opportunity to demonstrate this in real time on the podcast. I sat down with Michaela Dunn, a mom entrepreneur balancing a lot of roles and facing significant life and business challenges. We navigated her feelings of hesitation about recording solo episodes for her podcast, the uncertainty of where she will be living for her husband’s job, and the importance of letting go. Our conversation yielded valuable insights that I believe can help many others in similar situations.

    Focusing on What We Can Control

    Michaela was grappling with uncertainty around a potential move for her husband’s job. She was paralyzed and overwhelmed by the amount of options and what-ifs that could come about. I encouraged her to shift her focus: “Let’s go back to the beginning when we think like, this can really be easy.”

    I reminded her, “Sometimes it’s hard to do, but it can be very easy to do. Can I just let go of the timeline? Can I just let go of the control and think whatever decision is presented to us at whatever time, I will feel equipped to handle it then?” As we talked about that I could see the wheels start to turn and she became more open to the idea. Because beforehand it was attached to time, and she thought it should’ve happened by now.

    Reframing Challenges as Growth Opportunities

      Michaela expressed doubts about her podcast, The Balancing Act: Mompreneur Edition, due to technical issues. I helped her reframe the situation: “Is this my sign that I shouldn’t be doing this? Or is this my sign that it’s not perfect?” She was looking at the problems right in front of her, but I offered a new perspective.

      I emphasized, “This is new. All of these things that pop up, I get the decision to still move forward in spite of them.” It’s crucial to see challenges not as roadblocks, but as opportunities for problem-solving and growth. And It felt simple to her because she wanted to move forward and she was still going to launch this podcast.

      Letting Go of Perfectionism

        Michaela’s perfectionism was holding her back from launching her podcast. She was having issues with her audio quality and the program she was using. So I asked her to consider, “Is your podcast going out there with the perfect sound? Is that really going to bring you that much joy? Or is it going to bring you joy when someone says, ‘My gosh, Michaela, I heard your episode…and that made me feel so much better’?”

        She was able to remind herself that it’s not about being perfect but going back to the why. Why she wanted to create this podcast and launch these episodes. She was able to reframe her focus. Letting go of the thought that everything had to be perfect!

        Trusting in Adaptability

          When Michaela expressed fear about potentially loving a new location and leaving her support system, I reminded her of her resilience: “You are such a person who loves growing and look how you’ve pivoted so many different times.” She was feeling the weight of the decisions and how they impact her kids and the stress of packing up a family and moving.

          I encouraged her to see the potential positives: “What a cool opportunity where you’re gonna go, you’re gonna have it, you’re gonna get to move to a new place…And then I get to find all these new coffee shops.” There’s always a flip side to the way we think and sometimes we just need someone to help remind us of that.

          Remembering the ‘Why’

            To address Michaela’s doubts about her podcast content, I simply asked, “Do you think that what you have to offer will be helpful to someone?” This question brought her back to her purpose and alleviated fears about not being “good enough.” So we dove into that.

            Her podcast is about motherhood and entrepreneurship and balancing all the roles. Her why is all about helping others and making them feel much less alone in it all. Doing this through sharing all the real and raw moments.

            Recognizing the Impact of Energy and Mindset

              One of the most powerful moments came when Michaela realized how her energy affects her family: “I’m the one that holds the energy so like if I have bad energy the whole entire house has bad energy.” This is why she makes a point to change habits so she can address those and not stay in a negative mindset. Journaling has helped her release the thoughts that are attached to frantic negative energy.

              By the end of our session, Michaela reported feeling “lighter.” She said, “I feel like I can go about the decisions and immediately be able to reframe so that the energy is a dip for not only me but my family. So that feels good. Very, very good.”

              This session demonstrated the power of coaching to provide new perspectives and emotional support. It reinforced my belief in the importance of “control what you can control and don’t spend your time worrying about things that you can’t.”

              For other entrepreneurs feeling overwhelmed or stuck, remember: “You are never going to run out of content because it’s just from your life experience.” Trust in yourself, focus on your purpose, and don’t let perfectionism hold you back from making an impact.

              Coaching sessions like these remind me why I do this work. Seeing someone shift from feeling overwhelmed to empowered is truly rewarding. If you’re facing similar challenges, remember that sometimes an outside perspective can make all the difference in moving forward with confidence.

              Connect with Michaela

              Michaela Is a business consultant and podcaster for mompreneurs.

              The Balancing Act: Mompreneur Edition podcast

              The Balancing Act Community

              Instagram: @themichaeladunn

              Website: Michaela-dunn.com


              • Focus on what you can control and let go of the timeline and outcomes that are beyond your control.
              • Visualize positive outcomes and make your decisions right rather than worrying about making the right decision.
              • Embrace the unknown and be open to new opportunities and experiences.
              • Recognize the resilience of children and the benefits of exposing them to new environments.
              • Find peace in the present moment and trust that things will work out as they are meant to. Letting go of what can’t be controlled can lead to a lighter and more peaceful mindset
              • Balancing all the roles and finding focus
              • Reframing thoughts and perspectives can help release pressure and find joy in the process
              • Being a beginner in new endeavors allows for growth and learning
              • Focusing on what can be controlled and letting go of what can’t can lead to a more positive and productive mindset

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              Looking for more? Connect with me on Instagram @‌stacymusgrave or check out my website stacymusgave.com.